The Venice Project
…was at least one of the reasons I came back from Australia. It’s a great opportunity and honor to be invited to work with so
may great minds on something that could really could bring some big changes to the world …at least in terms how media will be consumed. The concept is great, the technologies used
are exciting and although many people are speculating The Venice Project is not like any its so called competitors. The Venice
Project is not about finding and watching some crappy little videos on a web page where the vast amount of junk drowns the few good picks. TVP is not
about illegally sharing or finding you favorite movies and series …it is about being being able to watch them just every time you want – whenever you want. Legally! In
amazing quality! With lots of extras!
The “super secret project” is not so secret anymore. Beta access is still restricted but feel free to line up here. At the moment the client is only available for windows but mac and linux are supposed to follow soon.