
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

New phone, old phone

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And again the two years were over …time for a new mobile phone. Most of the mobiles that have been using were Siemens phones …and I was quite happy with them. This time I wanted a change …why? Well have you had a look at the current Siemens? It’s a brick! Great it has great camera and stuff – but I give a f… I want it write SMS and to call. It’s not supposed to be toy. If I want to make pictures I take real camera. …at least for now. So …no Siemens this time. So either Nokia or a Sony-Ericsson. I was never a big fan of Nokia …plus the 6230 just looks horrible! …so I got myself a SE K700i. …for a few days and then gave it back – it is just not my type. Seems like a lot of annoying things were removed in a new firmware version (as I heard afterwards) ….but anyway – I just did not felt right. It felt like a step backwards from my old S55. So I took a shot and ordered the horrible looking Nokia 6230. But believe it or not – they are currently out of stock (at least at my provider)! So my old one still has to do its job. Well, you might have heard …it seems like the S55
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keyboards only last about a year. And pretty much exactly one year ago I got my phone replaced because I’ve lost a key. Thanks to Murphy you can imagine what happened – just the day after I’ve sent back the K700i. *sigh*
Ok… since the new mobile is supposed to arrive soon I did not want to spend to much time and money fixing my old S55. So decided to replace the keyboard by myself. I ordered a keypad at ebay (ripoff!) and though I might be of use for some people to explain how to fix the S55 keyboard.
First off: make sure you got the right tools (got I hate not having the right tools!).You need a torx 5 screwdriver and a flat gripper.
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That’s it. Remove the battery. You’ll see 4 little screws. Remove them and carefully lift the front case. The keyboard is on a circuit board. But the board will come off immediatly. It’s just connected through some contacts. If you only got a keypad and not a full original keyboard with circuit board attached then now comes the hard part.
You need to remove the rest of the keys. But be careful not to destroy the board. I’ve been using just my hand to gently rip off the keys. Unfortunately the real mounting did not come off that easily. Carefull use the gripper to remove it on the front side.
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Break away the rest of the mounting and then extrude the little knobs from the front through the back. Then just put keypad onto the front and close the casing.
And voila! Almost as good as new. The lighting is a bit cheap but the keys are still working fine. At least it will work until I finally get the new one.

Anti Spam Smtp Proxy

I just came across the Anti Spam Smtp Proxy. It seems to be a competitor to spamassassin – but it has a very different philosophy. Spamassassin only tags the mails while assp seems to block them at the SMTP level. Since there might be some false positives with statistical spam detection I would probably prefer spamassassin …but I am still fan of the idea to only accept signed emails at the SMTP level. Which goes into the assp direction…

No Powerbook upgrades …yet

148793731 2161c30365 t No Powerbook upgrades ...yetI wanted to make myself a present for christmas. But everyone said “wait until the macworld. We expect at least some upgrades”. And I was sooo badly waiting for the keynote. Too bad there was no live stream. But I chimed into an IRC chat at macnn where about 320 people where listening to the lastest news. Then while the keynote was on suddenly the apple site got disabled. Excitement!! …some more minutes and I will know for sure. Suddenly everything was over. Not a single word about new Powerbooks (or upgrades). It took me quite a while to get into online shop (boy, their servers must have been hit quite hard) but still no upgrades :-( I mean: the mac mini is cool and could act as a great entertainment center. The ipod shuffle – well, not so exciting IMO. All the rest were just software releases you can only appreciate if you already *have* a mac. ….I would like to change that – but the current Powerbooks just don’t give enough value compared to the iBooks. …their specs are pretty darn old now. I don’t want to buy something old! …not for that amount of money. ThinkSecret is pretty sure they will quietly update the Powerbooks very soon. This probably rules out getting one before the beginning of February. *sigh*

Java Compiler Interface and Javaflow

Just recently I’ve moved the JCI into a separate project. It’s been used by cocoon trunk to auto-compile java classes to get more of a scripting feeling. Currently it only supports the eclipse compiler. But adding other compilers like e.g. the janino compiler is on the (long) todo list.
Jci goes hand in hand with the javaflow implementation providing continuations for java. Since also other projects might benefit from these features, both project are now available from the jakarta commons sandbox. Both are still being considered alpha quality but working. Helping hands very welcome!

Recursively adding files to CVS

The following commands can become handy if you are still stuck with cvs and cannot use the excellent eclipse cvs client.

  find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | xargs cvs add
  find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS | xargs cvs add