
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Back from a little break

Over christmas I really took the time to step back and get the real life a go again. Right before we had busy times and it was good to have some time offline. It was a good time for seeing friends and family and just don’t read mails every few minutes. Now I am getting back the long todo list…. but hey: a new year, new ideas and new challenges. Sounds great!

Ah… BTW: Happy new year everyone!

The book, the book!

148793636 b81b5a6adb t The book, the book!Just right on time for christmas I got it…. I am holding the first printed copy of the book I have been working on in my hands. The steady reader of this blog already knows… it’s about jakarta commons

Blog comments? You bet!

I am sorry …I had to turn off comments on my blog. Believe it or not. I got hit that hard …it was almost a DoS attack. I got a mail from my provider telling me about it. For now I have comments turned off. Hoping to migrate my domain as well as my blog sooner or later anyway. I will see what I can come up with… I don’t want to give up this feature just because of some idiots.

Embeddable Java compiler

A while ago Sylvain stumbled across Janino. Another java compiler that could be used for the jci (java compiler interface). Unfortunately it’s LGPL.

Update: hurray, just a few days ago they relicensed it under ASL!

Auto-compiling javaflow

Just yesterday I managed to commit what I actually wanted to have ready for the ApacheCon (well!). Cocoon trunk now features an auto-compiling javaflow implementation. Java source files are being transparently compiled and instrumented for continuation-based flow execution. It probably still needs some polishing but this new version should give you almost the same try-and-error roundtrip as the javascript based flow. There are quite some things (besides the bytecode level work) left to do. So I hope some volunteers will chime in.

Update: javaflow and the the auto-compilation are factored out as separate jars and therefor can easily be integrated in other projects as well