
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Beers and iPhone

cocoaheadsMonday (that is tomorrow!) it’s time again for the Frankfurt CocoaHeads meeting.

This time we plan on having some hands-on iPhone sessions. In the spirit of NSCoder Nights please bring your code and projects. We will try to work together through some of the problems. And we will also celebrate the lifting of the NDA with some beers.

I haven’t gotten any particular recommendation for good venue. So for now we will just meet at the Club Voltaire again. Downstairs this time. So see you Monday 8pm.

Back from the Island of Gods

A few days back we got back from our trip to Bali. Being just on the door step to Australia the flights have been quite exhausting. But it was well worth the long way.
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CocoaHeads Bali?

While I am heading off to Bali there still will be the CocoaHeads Frankfurt on Monday. For more information check on upcoming or join us on mixxt. It’s unfortunate I can’t be there. But you guys will have fun. I am sure I will too :-D

So for those in Frankfurt: Monday 8pm. CocoaHeads.

Back in 2 weeks.

Tracking Users

Whenever you release a product it is important to measure how you are doing in terms of adoption. Unfortunately the number of downloads is a very bad metric. Just because someone downloaded the application does not mean that he is actually using it. And someone could download the application multiple times and so on. All my Cocoa applications are using Sparkle for software updates. It’s the one time where all of your users check back on your server. So the idea was simple: just let’s include a unique identifier with the software update check and we are golden.
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Profiling with Instruments

Start InstrumentsInstruments and DTrace are extremely valuable tools for inspecting your software and to track down problems. Be it memory leaks or performance bottlenecks. Let me walk you through a real profiling session here.
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