
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Re-organizing Apache log files

Lately I noticed that my web server log files weren’t properly rotated. Also I wanted to re-organize them to have monthly boundaries. Preferably the rotation should happend without the need to reload httpd. It’s a little sad that this feature is not directly part of mod_log_config. You have to use a log pipe for this. Cronolog comes hightly recommended.

CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/cronolog /path/to/log/access-%Y-%m.log" combined

Now the question was: How do I sort the Apache logs into the monthly log files? Some ruby to the rescue. Not particular fast but it did get the job done.
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Converting maven pom to ivy

Without making any comments about metadata formats or simplicity vs complexity of dependency defintions… Here is how you can convert a maven pom into an ivy.xml if required. Just create a very basic ant file and execute it:

<project name="convertPomToIvy" basedir="." default="all"

    <path id="antlib.classpath">
        <fileset dir="/path/to/ivy/libs" includes="*.jar"/>

    <taskdef uri="antlib:fr.jayasoft.ivy.ant"

    <target name="convert">
        <ivy:convertpom pomFile="pom.xml" ivyFile="ivy.xml" />


One would hope there was an ordinary command line for this.

Thanks to Nicolas for pointing me to this!

Macoun 2008

Last weekend -more precisely last Saturday- Mac programmers gathered in Frankfurt for the first Macoun conference. Topics ranged from “Introduction to Objective-C” over “OpenGL ES on the iPhone” to “Objective-C Dispatching”. Was well worth the money. Actually even more a steal at 40 EUR for 12 presentations on 2 tracks. Wifi wasn’t working which was a little unfortunate. Overall it felt almost more like BarCamp than a conferences. But I guess the bigger the BarCamps get the more blurry the distinction becomes. Quite a few faces that I recognized. Not a C4 but not bad at all. See you next time.

Reminder: Next CocoaHeads Frankfurt meeting will be on November 10th.

Publishing maven artifacts

So lucky you has just finished a release of your latest and greatest project. And now you want to make it available to the whole wide world. If you are in maven land this usually means getting it up into the central maven repository. There are currently two ways of doing this as described in the official guide. You can either file a manual upload request or have the central repository pull your releases from your own repository. Especially bigger entities like Apache or Codehaus are using this mechanism – but there is no reason you can’t yourself. Manual upload request are -well- manual work and requests are only served on voluntary basis. Worst case this could take a couple of weeks until your artifacts are available. That’s why I’ve recently switched to the automatic repository sync.
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IMG_8685So that was the second BarCampBerlin that I’ve attended. This year: much more conference style. Not really work shop like “births of the feather” sessions where people just gather and talk. While the venue was great, it sucked for this kind of presentations. Imagine big cubicles and worst case you could hear three presenters at the same time. That reminds me: many bad presenters this time! The conference on the other hand was well organized ..ups …I mean the BarCamp. Anyway. Was a good reason to be back in Berlin and meet some people. Guess there will always be the next BarCampBerlin.