
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Jakarta Commons JCI 1.0RC1

I know some people have been really waiting for this. Finally I got the maven2 release build working and are happy to present the first release candidate of commons jci – a java compiler abstraction interface. More information and a comparison to jsr199 to come …but for now it would be great to just get 1.0 out of the door. Quoting from the web site:

JCI is a java compiler interface. It can be used to either compile java (or any other language that can be compiled to java classes like e.g. groovy or javascript) to java. It is well integrated with a FAM (FilesystemAlterationMonitor) that can be used with the JCI compiling/reloading classloader. All the currently supported compilers (even javac before java6) feature in-memory compilation.

Please let me know if there is something that needs to be fixed. Hope to get the release out soon. For now the RC1 is only available in the Apache snapshot repository.

  • Fernando

    I don't know if this is the site to ask about some problem that I have when I run a test using JCI 1.0RC1... because I have the following runtime exception:

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/vafer/dependency/utils/ResourceRenamer
    at org.apache.commons.jci.compilers.JavacJavaCompiler.compile(JavacJavaCompiler.java:66)

    Well the problem is that I am using dependency-0.4.jar and this library don't have the ResourceRenamer class. I attempt to find the 0.5 version of that library but I cannot find it. can you help me about find this library... excuse me if the question is very obvious.

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