
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Finally in Melbourne

Traveling to Australia is really no piece of cake. I started out in Göttingen on Saturday at 18:19 by train and entered the apartment door in Melbourne at about 28 hours later!

Too bad you don’t have an internet connection on a plane. Well, having a mains outlet would do in the first place. One could get a lot of work done on such a long trip. At least I was able to recharge my laptop battery (a bit) on my two hour stopover in Singapore. I was amazed about their technical awareness. Free internet terminals throughout the whole airport. Free wireless broadband connection on quite a few spots. Too bad I did not receive the SMS with the account and password information though :(

As for the country I cannot say much yet. I needed more or less the whole Monday to recover from my jetlag. But it feels like a mixture of California and Europe so far …with a lot of weirdoes driving on the wrong side of the road ;)

The weather is a bit cloudy and not as hot as you might expect from Australia. Around 20 degrees Celsius at day. Last night I found it even a bit cold at night – imagine there was is no heating to turn on in my apartment :)

Yesterday night I already met up with some of my australian colleagues. Cool guys. I am really looking forward getting some work done with them.

Heading off to Melbourne

148792657 4e03ee8f1a t Heading off to MelbourneToday I am heading off to the ManageSoft head quarters in Melbourne, Australia. Basically it’s a business strip. I am going to take a training and will join the development team for a few weeks. …but I am sure this will also be a lot of fun :) I am really curious to see how the cat jumps down under.

Sun JDK on Debian

When installing my new desktop computer at work I found this excellent description on how to install the Sun JDK on a debian machine.

My first day at ManageSoft

148792629 2ce6555526 t My first day at ManageSoftToday I started working at ManageSoft. Feels a bit like being in a different country …always talking english, having english operation systems and english keyboard layouts (hope I get used to the keyboards). But feels good and I am looking forward getting real work done after I’ve set up my computer and stuff.

A lot of Cocooner hanging around here ;)

Restoring Lilo

If you ever want to install Windows XP on a partition next to your linux installation be aware of the fact that it will overwrite your bootloader. No big problem as long you have a rescue disk or e.g. a knoppix cd at hand. All you have to do is to chroot and call lilo again.

> mount -o dev /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5; chroot /mnt/hda5
> vi /etc/lilo.conf # fix if needed
> lilo