Heading back home
Actually I was on only supposed to stay for three weeks in Melbourne. I ended up staying five :) But today I am finally heading back.
Actually I was on only supposed to stay for three weeks in Melbourne. I ended up staying five :) But today I am finally heading back.
Today Jeff and I took
the ferry to Manly. It’s a very nice suburb of Sydney. We went there to the beach and …surfed!! It was awesome, dudes! :) It’s not easy at it looks (I am glad I was
able to ride a few waves – kind of :-) and I was totally wasted afterwards …but it was sooo great!
Manly beach may be a bit far off from Frankfurt. …but I am already thinking of going on a surf-weekend in France. I heard there is a good surf at the Atlantic coast. …and it’s a bit closer ;)
Great stuff!
It’s a real cool feeling to have friends or at least people (for the picky ones) all around the world you can meet up for a beer or dinner. One of the great things when working on
open source software. It was great meeting Brett, Jeff and David (left to right) in real life.
The funny thing is: we discussed an issue that a few hours early became a topic on the PMC list :)
See what I found in the
dictionary. “jetty” means “Pier” in German. Hm… maybe that’s why
Pier likes jetty so much. Conspiracy everywhere ;)