
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Efficient keyboard layouts

Did you know there is probably a much more efficient keyboard layout that you are used to? Seem we should use Dvorak over QWERTY – but we are not. Obviously under Mac OSX you can easily switch between them by just holding down a modifier key if you go for the “Dvorak-Qwerty” layout. Interesting read…

TVP is now called Joost!

joostEver wondered why the Venice Project web site has been so plain and simple? It’s because the brand was not yet ready to be revealed. But since this morning we switched from the code name “The Venice Project” to our real name. Welcome to the next generation of TV ….it’s been called “Joost”.

Update: Please! I am happy do invite some people but just “invite me!” I consider as impolite spam. Also: For an invite you need to provide first and last name.

Sipgate with Sjphone or XMeeting

SjphoneAlready quite a while ago I got myself a sip account over at sipgate. The interesting part here is that they give you a “SkypeIn” number for free. But in the end I never really used it. In general the call quality was always significant lower compared to Skype. Especially for long distance calls. Plus up until XMeeting arrived on the scene there was hardly any usable sip client available for Mac OS X. There was X-lite with it’s alien interface or Sjphone with something which barely qualifies as GUI. (Well, at least it worked OK) Not that the Skype interface is any good but Skype just works out of the box! Configuring those sip phones on your own can be a bitch. Or at least a waste of time fiddling around with the settings. So if you are a sipgate user feel free to have a look at my settings for Sjphone or XMeeting. Ring Ring!

Bang command

I cannot remember where I found this and I always forget to use it. But this so called “bang command” should save a lot of typing. Let’s say you executed…

% which firefox
% make
% ./foo -f foo.conf
% vi foo.c bar.c

Now by using the “!” you can access tokens from the previous command.

Full line:     % !!            becomes:   % vi foo.c bar.c
Last arg :     % svn ci !$     becomes:   % svn ci bar.c
All args :     % svn ci !*     becomes:   % svn ci foo.c bar.c
First arg:     % svn ci !!:1   becomes:   % svn ci foo.c

Or you can even use a search pattern.

Full line:     % !./f          becomes:   % ./foo -f foo.conf
Full line:     % vi `!whi`     becomes:   % vi `which firefox`
Last arg :     % vi !./f:$     becomes:   % vi foo.conf
All args :     % ./bar !./f:*  becomes:   % ./bar -f foo.conf
First arg:     % svn ci !vi:1  becomes:   % svn ci foo.c

Pretty nifty.

JSR on Continuations

It has been a bit quiet around native continuations in java for a while. I think especially the post from Glad Bracha killed some momentum. But Geert Bevin has just lately revived the discussion on the codehaus list a bit. He picked up on the plan to formulate a JSR for continuations in java.

A few months ago Avi summarized some of the most prominent opinions on continuations. To me it sounds like there is a lot of mixing up of concerns. For example you don’t necessarily need sessions for continuations. (You could serialize the state into the page just like you would with basic POSTs) Using sessions or not is really a different decision. And continuations are not necessarily tight to the web. Mobile agents and workflow systems are well known use cases. So give his summary a read. IMO he raises some valid points.