
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

More on java continuations

Seems there is another implementation of java continuations out there. It’s called RIFE. It’s not using BCEL but ASM which is supposed to be a much faster and slimmer byte code engineering library than BCEL. Having a look into KAWA might also help finding a different approach on java continuations. Seems like they are using Exceptions for it. Interesting ..need to have a closer look.

Offline blogging for MovableType

I found a nice blogging client. Good if you are on the road!
Some things are still missing but maybe good to keep an eye on!
…if you are (still) under win32

I also tried SharpMT and like it even better.

Hacking in the Matrix

148792210 9275679a71 t Hacking in the MatrixIn movies computers usually are those magical things that know and can do everything! They have those colorful easy-to-use user interfaces and theirs screen are often just saying “search” …besides they are always finding exactly what you are looking for :) So computer become either simplified or everything on the screen is so stupid and does not make any sense at all. Huuuuh …the mysterious COMPUTER!

Anyway, at least in this regard Matrix 2 was astonishing! At the end of the film when Trinity tries to shut down the power plant she uses nmap, sshnuke and ssh to hack into their computer! Seems there is no real sshnuke exploit but the vulnerability seems to be a real one!

Other than that I have to admit I did not like Matrix 2 very much. They focused too much on action. Matrix 3 was a little better but the theory behind it wasn’t very convincing. Gave much food for discussions.

But maybe there is only THE ONE! ;)

Design Patterns

Martin Fowler has a very nice collection of design patterns on his homepage. A link to remember….

Windows drivers under Linux

Linuxant has an open source competitor! But loading native windows drivers under linux to get support e.g. the Intel Centrino WLAN chipset still does not sound very appealing to me.