
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Blogs are crap

A friend pointed me on this german article about blogs

…erklärt hierzulande Ute Miszewski, zuständig für Unternehmenskommunikation der Spiegel-Gruppe, Weblogs für journalistisch nicht relevant, da es sich ja lediglich um die Arbeit von Amateuren handele. Menschen ohne spezielle Ausbildung seien schlicht nicht in der Lage Qualität abzuliefern…

An easier translation could be that blogs are crap since most authors aren’t specially trained on writing.

Gosh, do I love people giving such snooty statements… no matter whether it might have some truth or not.

Faster collections

In this article I came across a nice collections replacement. Assuming the numbers are valid I am wondering what the impact on big projects like Apache Cocoon would be. Too bad it’s under LGPL though.

Stock crash

The blog stock is closed. Blogshares is offline. Was a fun website. We will miss it.

Another XSLT processor

I was told jd xslt beats the crap out of xalan or even saxon. But I haven’t yet tested it by myself… hearsay

We are not alone

Seaside is another web app framework featuring continuations. Maybe we should have a look how they use them. James pointed me on that.