
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

ditto vs zip

Obviously before Tiger the zip command did not support resource forks. So in order to zip stuff up properly you were meant to use ditto.

ditto -c -k -X --rsrc some_folder  some_folder.zip

…which is what finder uses to create archives, too. From the man page it seems in Tiger resource forks are supported by default:

 -df    [MacOS] Include only data-fork of files zipped into the archive.
        Good   for   exporting   files   to  foreign  operating-systems.
        Resource-forks will be ignored at all.

Gmail Sender header

Is it just me who thinks that Gmail’s “Sender” header stinks? It contains your Gmail address even when you choose a different sender in the web interface. All it changes is the “From” header which gives a problem with many mailing list systems. Over at Apache you have to send a request to


so mails don’t have to get moderated every time you post. You may argue Gmail does the right thing and the mailing list systems/setups should be fixed. But that is probably to discuss and also sounds like fighting against windmills.

Review: Xavier Rudd

Xavier RuddAs if someone wanted to make it good for the last concert I went to. Xavier Rudd was just incredible! Almost 2.5 hours of music that is just no sell out. Enjoy passion and soul transposed in music together with a nice crowd. I did not get hooked when I heard his CDs in the first place. But this guy lives for the life on stage. Even if you are not a fan yet: if he comes to town – go for it!

For the ones who don’t known him… His style of music is kind of hard to describe. Mix Bob Marley with Johnny Cash, some blues and an anboriginal tribe’s band. It’s different – it’s good!

…oh – and “The Forum” is an awesome venue, too!

Please test BCEL 5.2 RC2

It has been pretty quiet around BCEL for the past 3 years. People started using snaphots or even maintain their own fork. To get this project back on track we hope to address most of these issues with a new bugfix release. Please provide some feedback. The jars are available here and a list of changes is here.

Review: Pete Murray and Davanon Frankenreiter

…or how the opener rocks the house. I don’t want to hurt any of his fan’s feelings but I am sorry. This was the one of the most boring performances I ever seen. Pete Murray was just plain …mellow …boring! And I am again sorry: I cannot understand all the little girls screaming as if he was a star (is he? C’mon!). Davanon Frankenreiter was the real main act that night. Actually he was also the reason why I went there. Well, admittingly his clothing style reminded a little on Haight Street, San Francisco …but hell – that dude knows how to make music. Sorry, Pete. I thought you could surprise me …in a good way. But obviously that did not happen.