
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Fossi 1.0.1 released

FossiI’ve just release a new version of Fossi. Thanks to everyone that sent me feedback. Many bugs have been fixed. Support for other services other than sipgate is not in – yet. But the underlying infrastructure has been put in place. I hope to get a few more services supported with the next release.

Fossi now uses the FeedbackReporter framework. So if you encounter bugs or have problems please use the feedback button in the help menu to send me the details.

FeedbackReporter framework

FeedbackReporterIn the past few years I have been mainly working of server software. As part of my latest endeavors in the Cocoa world I have recently released some desktop applications though. Of course it’s a whole different world. You are dealing with so many different systems. No surprise tracking down errors is much harder. And often users are just overwhelmed when you ask them for some details. (”What’s a terminal?”) So I needed a crash reporter. The available frameworks did not really suit my needs …so I wrote one myself.

FeedbackReporter is my first Cocoa framework release. I am sure it’s not yet perfect – but… release early – release often! Feedback, patches, suggestions appreciated!

Integration is really easy. Check out the documentation and don’t miss the screencast. The framework is released under ASL2.0 and so free to use also for commercial applications.


Is Twitter Down?

Is Twitter Down?Lately I was getting a bit more into twitter. For obvious reasons I found this service that somehow made me lough when I found it. I just wish it would say “Yes” less often.

CocoaHeads Frankfurt

There is no such event yet. But I think it would be great if there was. CocoaHeads is a monthly gathering of Cocoa enthusiasts. With presentations, tutorials and general discussion around Cocoa programming. There are meetings all over the world – just not in Germany. Actually not event in continental Europa.

If you would be interested in attending …please drop me a mail, a comment or whatever. If we can get more than 10 people interested I’ll step up and try to organize the event.

Shoot RAW with your IXUS

This is really amazing. There is an alternative firmware available for (some) Canon point and shoot cameras. But instead of having to flash it, you just copy it onto the memory card. It gives you RAW, auto bracketing, bursts and much more. This seems to be especially interesting for underwater photography, but will help whenever you don’t have your full gear with you and you want to do a bit more than just “click”.