New design, new projects
“April showers bring May flowers” …as you may or may not have noticed. I’ve just did a major make over of One part was upgrading to wordpress 2.5 and cleaning up my custom theme/design. This part triggered some thoughts that will I will bring up in some later posts.
The other part was getting some of my latest Cocoa projects released to the wild.
- UIF2ISO for Mac
This basically started out with a blog post where I showed how to convert those proprietary UIF files into a standard ISO image. As it turned out some people really don’t get along well with using the command line. So in the end I just wrote a Cocoa version. Checkout the web site for more information. It’s open source. - Fossi
When on the road I always got annoyed that there was no easy way to send faxes from my Mac. I thought “This should just work over the internet!” No fax modem non-sense, no roaming charges. So I came up with “Fossi”. Fossi basically hooks into the OSX print dialog, let’s you pick the recipient and then passes on the fax to the fax online service provider. Currently only sipgate is supported but if there is interest, I am happy to add other providers as well. The screencast is still very basic, but I promise to update that soon. But please check it out. It’s currently a time limited beta. - more to come soon…
I am really looking forward on getting some feedback on those projects. They are basically a result of me getting a bit more into Cocoa the past few months.