
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

The Great iPad

So there it was the great event on January 27th in 2010. Since them many articles have been written about the new child in the Apple family of devices. I hear the praise and I hear the #fails. Yet I’ve got the feeling that many people are missing the point.

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iProxy – poor man’s tethering

The iPhone – the always online device. What would be more natural than using it on the train as internet connection for your laptop!? Unfortunately that’s not really an option if you

  • don’t want to jailbreak your phone
  • aren’t using one of the “official” carriers
  • don’t want to pay extra
  • want to use iPhone OS 3.1 and up

The only viable solution: a proxy!
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Wordpress almost killed this Blog

I know there are many fans of wordpress out there but for me it has become so annoying to deal with it that it’s at least one of the reason why this blog has been stale now for more than 6 months. You may call it a lazy excuse but I see my plain text posts piling up on my machine. Whenever I turn to wordpress the bug and update madness lets me feel the pure pain and I just want to close the browser. Running it on a virtual server not exactly fun either. It has become quite a memory hog over time. So instead I use twitter for the quick posts most of the time.

The blog system will change in the not so far out future on this site. The move to the disqus comments was a first step. But I no longer want to hold up until it is in place.

So for those still reading…. stay tuned and thanks for listening.

Canon Lenses for Sale

Since I am a Nikon shooter now I’ve got some great Canon lenses for sale …in perfect condition …anyone?

  • Canon 50mm/1.4 (270 EUR)
  • Canon 24-70mm/2.8L (850 EUR)
  • Canon 100mm/2.8 (390 EUR)
  • Canon 70-300/4-5.6 IS

If you are in San Francisco, Berlin or Frankfurt pick up might be possible. Contact me at tcurdt@(this.domain) to work out a final price if you are interested.

Switching to Nikon

D700 vs 5Dmk2For almost a year now I was always going back and forth on the idea of switching (back) from Canon to Nikon. While I was quite happy with my glass, I became more and more unhappy with my 30D. I even noticed to be holding back investing in further gear. The 30D still is a great camera – but I guess it was a compromise from day one. I just didn’t dare to shell out the money for the 5D as an amateur – for a few pictures now and then. But at least Canon had a full-frame line-up and good glass at a lower price tag. Future proof one might think.
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