Ubuntu on Parallels
If you are also one of the poor fellows trying to get Ubuntu installed in Parallels I
hope this entry can save you some time. Me in particular tried to get the server version installed as I wanted to start with a minimal virtual machine.
So what I did is to download the Ubuntu server iso. Well, to save you some time and traffic – don’t! You can install successfully but after the next reboot all you get is a screen of “Unknown interrupt or fault at EIP 00000060 c0100295 00000294″. So what’s next? Google said: “Download the alternate image. That one should do it!” Great! If it only would work as advertised. There is no such thing as a server install on the stupid CD. (Dear, Ubuntu community – WTF?!) So the only way I could get Ubuntu installed was to use the expert install and skip(!) the software selection/installation part. That will leave you with the base install which is booting just fine. (I used the 2.7.10 generic kernel). After you’ve adjusted your “/etc/apt/sources.list” you should be ready to rock and you can install just what you need.