
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Mobile agent migration with continuations

88x31 Mobile agent migration with continuations Already quite a while ago I contributed to a short paper for the University of Barcelona. They were using javaflow for mobile agent systems. Unfortunately we did not get a full acceptance for a conference. As the two other authors left University shortly after, the paper never got published. We figured it would still be good to make it available to the public and hereby release it under the creative commons licences. I am sure parts will end up in the javaflow documentation. If you are interested in the internals of javaflow it might give you a good introduction.

  • lalia
    thank u
  • Hey Lalia, you should read the paper and checkout commons javaflow. That should get you started. Cheers.
  • lalia
    yes it interest me so much , can u give me an introduction via my email . [email protected] , thanks at advance
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