That was ApacheCon 2004
So I just got back from the ApacheCon 2004 in Las Vegas. It’s
amazing how time went by. 5 days of geek talks, questions, answerers, sharing of ideas and visions.
Things have changed since my last ApacheCon in 2001. This time I somehow more felt being part of this little family we call the ASF. A lot of putting faces to names …especially with people from different projects.
Quite some people shared my impression that the social aspects of this gathering are even more important than the content of the sessions themself. A lot of people go there for the people. …still sessions are a quite useful topping. Been a speaker that’s at least what I hope. In fact an “extraordinary topping” were the lightening talks chaired by Stefano “the jester” Mazzocchi and Brian Fitzpatrick. Great fun!
As for Vegas I am glad so many raised their hands when Ken asked whether we should have the ApacheCon US somewhere else next year. It’s just not my type of city. Many cities in the US have so much more to offer than a fake Disneyland for adults where people walk around with a beer in public just because it’s allowed. Some shows might be great and some hotels are impressive but I think the real sights are surrounding Vegas and I feel very sorry I had not enough time to go out to the desert, see the grand canyon or things like that …escaping the clicking noises of gambling machines.
As for the hotel …that was pretty much a bad joke. A (quite entertaining) keynote from Doc Searls covered all the little annoying details of the venue. To be honest: for a short moment I was tempted trying to get a better rate at the checkout …having in mind how much I paid when I was in (a really great) hotel in downtown Sydney. Usually one should try to claim money back under such conditions.
Anyway …I guess most people will come back no matter where to. At least I will :-D There was an on-site derby coding contest sponsored by IBM. And since I heard there were hardly any submissions, I did a tiny submission and did win a free ApacheCon 2005 registration including airfare. Not that I am proud of winning it like that …but it was worth a try.
I doubt I’ll spend it on the ApacheCon Europe though. It’s in Stuttgart, Germany ;-)