
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Beautiful code

I now installed the MTCodeBeautifier plugin so this:

…becomes beautiful :)

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("I am so beautiful!");

Unleashed surfing

Today I got my WiFi router! Sweet :))

Now you better smile!

My upcoming travels were a good reason to finally get me a digital camera, too. I ended up with the Canon Powershot A60. It does not have basillions of pixels but has good lenses and still gives you a feeling of being a photograph – if you want to. I also did not want to spend too much money on it. The pictures are really nice – but it won’t replace my SLR camera. Say cheeeeese :))

Booting from CD

I stumbled over this page giving a good overview of the different types of bootable CDs. As well as instructions how to create them.

Switching channels

Found out about a cocoon and an apache IRC channel.
..but seems like noone I know is being around *shrug* …pretty quiet