Second CocoaHeads Frankfurt
And again more than 10+ people showed up on the Monday night. (And
this is during vacation season!) So I am quite happy. A couple faces from last time but also quite a few new folks rocked up. Glad that again someone from the BigNerdRanch was able to make it.
Stephan’s introduction to the WiiRemote was really interesting. (Thanks!) So much cool stuff you can do with the accelormeter and especially the IR tracking. The WiiRemote immediately made it into my Amazon shopping basket and I am looking forward to play with this myself.
In order to better communicate we agreed on going with mixxt as a platform. So now we have a wiki, a forum and event calendar. (I will still also submit it to upcoming though)
Unfortunately Club Voltaire is no longer available during weekdays. But some of the attendees stepped up and will provide the room for the next meeting. The topics of the sessions are still TBA. But mark your calendars. It’s the first Monday each month. So the next CocoaHeads Frankfurt will be September 1st.
If you feel like it: Here is a list of possible topics. You don’t have to be a Pro to present. Don’t be shy!