Leaving ManageSoft
Now let’s make it public… a few days ago I’ve resigned my job at ManageSoft and will be heading back to Europe at the end of August. Bang!!
I’ve had a really good time at ManageSoft. Especially working with Marcus and
Michael -the time in Frankfurt- was just great fun. We worked on some interesting and challenging projects. But with a few of the recent changes in the company and also some changes in my
personal life I had the feeling I should move on. It’s a bit unfortunate that I’ve now just got settled and all the hassle of moving turned out to be only for a 8 months stay
down here. But I’ve enjoyed it! Melbourne is a nice city – I will come back. At least to visit some friends a spend some vacation down here. But I am also looking forward to
what’s coming next…
Only a few weeks left and still so much to do. I still want to go for a beer with a few Apache/OSS locals. And still so many things I need to get rid of. (Need a car? A guitar or an apartment?)