
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

Recursively adding files to CVS

The following commands can become handy if you are still stuck with cvs and cannot use the excellent eclipse cvs client.

  find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | xargs cvs add
  find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS | xargs cvs add

  • weblogger
    This is awesome! I created a perl script to automate this process. hope it helps:

    use Expect;
    sub addFiles {

    my ($ip, $user, $pass, $dir, $cvsPass ) = @_;
    my $exp = new Expect;
    $self->{_ExpHnd} = $exp;

    $exp->spawn("ssh $ip\r");
    $exp->expect(15,"password: ");
    $exp->expect(15,"# ");
    $exp->send("cd $dir\r");
    $exp->expect(15,"# ");
    #add Directory
    $exp->send("find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -n1 cvs add\r");
    [ qr/password: /, sub { my $self = shift;
    exp_continue; }],
    "# ");
    #add Files
    $exp->send("find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -n1 cvs add\r");
    [ qr/password: /, sub { my $self = shift;
    exp_continue; }],
    "# ");
    #Commit should be done manually to ensure that user will add logs.
    print "All files in $dir has been added to module. Please commit Files.";
    return $exp;


  • Dagguh
    THANKS :*
  • swarup
    slight modification for non-unix type file/dir names (aka with spaces)

    find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -ifoo cvs add "foo"
    find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -ifoo cvs add "foo"
  • dudoanbongda
    I think so ....
  • testo
    Happy, not being the only one still using cvs.
    Great hint!
  • Max
    Sweet, I use this all the time.
  • James
    -iregex is a gnu find only extension (as is -!, use \! instead), and really unnecessary since -iname \*CVS\* is the same as the .*CVS.* regex
  • fooball
    sorry copy the wrong line :)

    find . -type f -! -iregex ".*CVS.*" -exec cvs add {} \;
  • fooball
    kinda the same solutions but w/o so much wasted pipes ;-)

    find . -type d -! -name CVS -! -name '.' -exec cvs add {} \;
    find . -type f -! -name CVS -! -name '.' -exec cvs add {} \;
  • Be aware that the command uses "grep" and you might have grep aliased to some command lines. For example, as a programmer, I find this useful:

    alias grep='grep -n -i --color=auto'

    However, it fails the above commands. So you have to type "unalias grep" first.
  • Todd
    I love it.

  • cowgod
    thank you, thank you, thank you. awesome.
  • Thanks guys this is just what I needed. Don't have eclipse setup on my mac. :(
  • Nikolaus
    Thanks, this is fantastic

    It did not work for me as specified under bash on OS X, I had to use the following, and note the -n1 parameter for xargs:

    find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -n1 cvs add
    find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -n1 cvs add

    the -n1 ensures that cvs add is called only for a single file each time. That's required because while cvs add can be called with a number of files as argument, if one of the arguments "aborts" the add, the others won't be added. I found that to happen with the first line which adds the directories. If a directory is already there, cvs add aborts instead of just skipping it like it does with files.

    So it would do a cvs add dir1 dir2 dir3, but because dir1 was already in the repository, it would not add dir 2 and 3. I am not sure it's required for files, but it can't hurt.
  • Amit
    It is really a great solution. Thanks a lot for reducing my work.
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