New Digital Camera
Although I liked my Canon
Powershot A60 it was just a bit too big. It also did not come with a rechargable battery …which can sometimes also be good! If you are on the road it’s way easier to buy some
batteries than recharging. But for the general day-to-day use I personally prefer a Li-Io rechargeable battery.
It was really hard to decide which camera to pick. You find so many different ratings all with different results. If you look at places where people talk about their experience and give a
little review you get everything from “it’s crap don’t buy it” to “I love it”.
So since I was really happy with the user handling of Canon and also do know quite some people that are really happy with their IXUS …I did also go for the Canon IXUS 430. So far I
am pretty happy with it.