Apache Jakarta Commons
been really busy these days. No time for blogging, not much time for code contributions. Well, for a reason… Besides I have been busy on my new job I’ve also been writing
about Apache Jakarta Commons lately.
Last week the javamagazin released the first part of my article and a book review in their 07 issue. This not being enough I joined some authors writing a book about Jakarta Commons. I am really glad we are 4 authors. It has been a lot of work and it’s pretty obvious you don’t write books for the money. We just passed the first version to the publisher. So probably still some more work coming up. But it’s supposed to be in the stores in the 3rd quarter this year. ..but you can already pre-order it at amazon :-)
Unfortunately it’s all in german. Sometimes I wished I was writing it in english. Writing about computer related things feels much easier in english.