
Torsten Curdt’s weblog

CocoaHeads Frankfurt, 07.07.08

Sorry it took so long …but finding a place unfortunately turned out to be harder than I thought. We will now meet up at Club Voltaire near “Alte Oper”. (Thanks for the pointer, Chris!) We’ll have a room and a beamer – for now sponsored by me. Not entirely sure about their wifi situation yet.

I think it would be great to have a few shorts talks. Please let me know if you have something you wouldn’t mind talking about. I myself am happy to give a quick introduction to the FeedbackReporter framework. But any topic around Cocoa programming is fine. Feel also free to bring your own code and questions. Afterwards for some drinks.

So until you hear otherwise – it’s on:

CocoaHeads Frankfurt,
Monday, 07.07.2008 19:00 at Club Voltaire

Please shoot me a mail or add a comment if you are coming. Especially if you have something you could ramble about for a few minutes.

I am also holding a second slot on Friday. Let me know quickly if you prefer the Friday. I will add the fixed date to upcoming and post to the usual places on Monday.

Update: The link is up on upcoming. Would be great if the people who are coming could indicate so over there. See you next week! Cheers!

  • Nikkita
    Bin auch dabei :-), bin zwar ein Anfänger aber wird sicher spassig.
  • Thomas Bartelmess
    Bin dabei!
  • Bin auch dabei :)
  • Stephan Michels
    Ich auch :-) Bin mal gespannt. Da ich noch ein Anfänger bin, hab ich leider noch nichts beizutragen.
  • Bin dabei ...
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